Use an iPhone or iPad or another Apple product like one of their excellent laptops or maybe the Apple Watch?
Then you really need to get security notifications of when they have problems.
To do so, go to > “Lists hosted on this site” > “Security-announce” and subscribe. Put in your email address.
It’s usually a few emails every couple of months but today there were a LOT:
Yes, your device will let you know when there is an update but these emails serve as a 2nd reminder to not procrastinate updating!
AND they contain links to more info if you have questions on the Update process.
I highly recommend signing up!
P.S. The direct link for the sign-up page is
Just put in an email address and click Subscribe:
(the name and password boxes are Optional. Just skip them.)
That’s it! Do it! 🙂 You’ll thank yourself later!